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Ricky Felix Says, "Do Not Touch Our Parks"

Updated: Sep 24, 2019

We want to remind the Upland community that the sale of the Upland Memorial Parkland to the San Antonio Regional Hospital (SARH) is not over.

The contract that was executed by the previous Council Members was illegal and wrong and we are asking our current leaders to do everything in their power to stop the sale.

This is not a left or right issue. Parks are a precious resource that belong to all of us and it's wrong to make sale transactions without public involvement.

We also want to remind Councilman Ricky Felix what he said during the 10/2/18 candidate forum about protecting parkland.

We too agree that parklands should be off the table completely and are counting on Councilmember Felix and all other elected leaders to do everything in his power to STOP THE SALE.

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